From Here To Eternity

Never Closed Circle Of Illusion

Silent Await


Celebrating Earth Ox

Enchanted Woods

Path Of Acceptance

Over / About

From Here To Eternity (Van hier tot de eeuwigheid) verwijst naar onze langdurige, maar steeds veranderende relatie met de aarde. Organische materialen, zoals schors, boomstammen en takken combineer ik met kunstmatige (waaronder acrylverf en plastic). Daarbij onderzoek ik het spanningsveld  tussen natuur en cultuur.


From Here To Eternity refers to our long-term, but ever-changing relationship with the Earth. I combine organic materials, such as bark, tree trunks and branches, with artificial ones (including acrylic paint and plastic). By doing so, I investigate the tension between nature and culture.